Happy birthday (reduced life of the success as a real human being), the success of a new life, Sincere fasting and sacrifice perform multiply Best of Nobles "1" dignified iffah absoluted GOD and celebrate the New Year. Enjoy the delights "BACK'PO" 's KAMI. Forgive Big / Extended Family's Bodies and Soul. Selamat ulang tahun (berkurangnya umur kesuksesan menjadi manusia sejati), sukses menempuh hidup baru, ikhlas menunaikan ibadah puasa dan memperbanyak berkurban dalam KEYAKINAN MURNI MULIA AULIA BERMARTABAT IFFAH SEJATI ZAT 1 MAHA (Z1M) serta merayakan Tahun Baru. Menikmati kelezatan "BACK'PO" KAMI. Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin. We were not The Biggest in The World but STEALTH The Best in The World Wide. Any purchases to us (This WebSite) minimum IDR 50.000.000 (All Products) get bonus free stay with rooms at the star GOODWAY hotel in Bali - Batam overnight apply multiply. Setiap pembelanjaan kepada kami (WebSite ini) minimal IDR 50.000.000 (Semua Item Produk) mendapatkan bonus menginap gratis dengan kamar istimewa di hotel berbintang GOODWAY di Bali - Batam selama semalam berlaku kelipatannya. Need More Information About All Tourists Domestic until International ? You can get from "WORLD WIDE DIRECT INTERACTIVE CHATTING" or Public Relationship Call 622150176030 / 6281330670542 ( Raden Mas SETYA BUDI LATTO ). Faximiles 622150476030 / 623133172497 / 623133001724 / 62318706441. International HOTEL TEDJO MOYO ( TM ) - Group Tour and Travel sustainable expansion of domestic and foreign those Under Construction Please Surfing All Menu / Sign Clicks / Products ( Not all are ready but there will be published after the agreement and demand from guests or tourists ) from "http://kaizenmeiji.blogspot.com" or "http://dokterhewankami.blogspot.com" click menu "Profile" run menu "Mentoring Tourist Expatriate" We will answer All Request or Question SOON. Countryside : International HOTEL TEDJO MOYO ( TM ) Open Escort or Hidden Privacies Mangkurat "Anggi Dwi" Panembahan Adventure Lodging ( MAD PAL ) Village KALISORO RT 002 / RW 03, Tawangmangu Town / Province : Tawangmangu / Solo. SURAKARTA. POST CODE : 57792 . D. / L. : + 62271697149 . Sekipan Kalisoro, Tawangmangu, Karanganyar. Surakarta - Central Java. Professional Support Marketing Group . Home Stay and Adventure Club 6285647413053 ( Raden Mas Ngarso Dalem ) , 6281332454131 ( Raden Mas Rustanto ) , 6285854493435 ( Raden Mas Yoppy Angga Deberta) , 6289609132699 ( Raden Mas Rusbiantono ) . Expatriates refreshing mind, calm yourself, spending time, diet, stay and adventure with comfort and satisfying service, presented the beauty and sincerity of heart. The scent of love, presence, polite and peaceful atmosphere accompanied by music and Modern Javanese delivers local and international visitors taste linger long enjoyed the beauty of the Royal Palace Surakarta, Thousand Splash ( Grojogan ) Waterfall, Swimming Pool, Mountains Lawu, Sarangan Lake, Mountains Bromo, beautiful Islands of Bali and wonderful Island Lombok until atmosphere Island Papua etc. Thanks You Guest Bye Bye Nice to meet you. Good Luck (by : Commisaries)
国際まですべて観光客国内についてもっと情報が必要ですか。世界広い直接対話「おしゃべり」や公共の関係を呼び出す 622150176030 から得ることができます/6281330670542 (螺鈿 Mas SETYA ブディ LATTO).ファクシミリ 622150476030/623133172497/623133001724/62318706441。国際ホテル TEDJO モヨ (TM) - グループ ツアーや国内外の旅行持続可能な拡張それらの下で建設してくださいサーフィンすべてのメニュー/クリック/製品 (すべてが準備ができているが、ある契約およびお客様や観光客からの需要後公開されます)"http://kaizenmeiji.blogspot.com"または"http://dokterhewankami.blogspot.com"をクリックしてメニューから「プロフィール」実行「メンタリング観光駐在」すべての要求またはすぐに質問にお答えするメニュー。田舎: 国際ホテル TEDJO モヨ (TM) 開いている護衛や隠されたプライバシー Mangkurat」飲酒運転ジュリーの作品「Panembahan の冒険宿 (狂牛病 PAL) 村 KALISORO RT 002/RW 03、タワンマング行楽町/州: タワンマング行楽/ソロ。スラカルタ。 投稿 コード: 57792。D./L.: + 62271697149。Sekipan Kalisoro、タワンマング行楽、カランガン ヤール。スラカルタ - ジャワ島中部。プロフェッショナル サポート マーケティング グループ。ホームステイと冒険クラブ 6285647413053 (螺鈿 Mas Ngarso ダレム)、6281332454131 (螺鈿 Mas Rustanto)、6285854493435 (螺鈿 Mas ぴー角 Deberta)、6289609132699 (螺鈿 Mas Rusbiantono)。駐在員の心をさわやかな穏やかな自分、食事、時間をかけて滞在し、快適さと満足のいくサービス、美しさと心の誠実さと冒険します。愛、存在、音楽と現代ジャワ語を伴う丁寧で穏やかな雰囲気の香りを提供ローカルおよび味残る長い国際的な訪問者は島パプアなどの雰囲気までロイヤル パレス スラカルタ、千スプラッシュ (Grojogan) 滝、プール、山のラウ山、Sarangan 湖、ブロモ山、美しいバリ島、素晴らしい島ロンボク島の美しさを楽しんだ。おかげで、ゲストさようならさようならはじめまして。幸運 (投稿: Commisaries)
Hello KOMPLOTAN COPET dan JAMBRET Surabaya dan sekitarnya. KAMI MEMBELI HARGA TINGGI : Sebuah tas ransel warna merah, laptop merk HP warna merah {Serial Number CND4503ZMP . HP NB PAVILION 11-N028TU x360 Red Intel N2830. Cel 11.6 500 4 Intel HD No DVDRW HDMI Win.8.1 . PO11261570 (B/D 09/12/14) HT15001900 . 753643 - BW1V02 . M141030 VER.02} dan dompet warna merah. Hubungi Non Governmental Organization (NGO) PERKUMPULAN PEMUDA PEDULI INTERNET DATA ELECTRONICS (IDE) Aditya Taruna 02150176030 03133172497 08113380121 Waktu Kejadian CCTV. Lampu Merah Nginden - Panjangjiwo. Pukul 17.00 WIB . Tanggal 02 Bulan Oktober 2015 . Hai Gang Muggings and Pickpocketing Surabaya and surrounding areas. We bought a high price: A duffel bag red, HP brand laptop red {Serial Number CND4503ZMP . HP NB PAVILION 11-N028TU x360 Red Intel N2830. Cel 11.6 500 4 Intel HD No DVDRW HDMI Win.8.1 . PO11261570 (B/D 09/12/14) HT15001900 . 753643 - BW1V02 . M141030 VER.02} and Red purse. Contact Non Governmental Organization (NGO) Assembly of Youth Care Internet Data Electronics (IDE) Aditya Taruna 02150176030 03133172497 08113380121 . The Time Of Occurrence Of CCTV. Red Light Nginden-Panjangjiwo. At 17:00 GMT. Date of 02 October 2015. Thanks You Guest Bye Bye Nice to meet you. Good Luck (by: Commisaries)



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    Debt Equity Ratio digunakan untuk mengukur perbandingan hutang dengan ekuitas yang berguna untuk mengetahui jumlah dana yang disediakan peminjam (kreditor) dengan pemilik perusahaan. Bagi kreditor, semakin besar rasio ini, maka semakin tidak menguntungkan karena akan semakin besar resiko yang akan ditanggung akibat dari kegagalan yang mungkin terjadi pada perusahaan. Standar rata – rata industri untuk ROE adalah maksimal 0,8 kali. Perhitungan dapat diselesaikan dengan menggunakan rumus :

    Return On Investment digunakan untuk menilai tingkat pendapatan atas investasi yang telah dilakukan oleh perusahaan, yang meliputi total aktiva yang dimiliki oleh perusahaan maupun dana yang berasal dari pemilik modal. Semakin tinggi rasio ini, maka semakin baik keadaan suatu perusahaan. Standar rata – rata industri untuk ROI adalah 30%. Perhitungan dapat diselesaikan dengan rumus :
    Debt Ratio digunakan untuk mengukur seberapa banyak hutang perusahaan membiayai aktiva atau seberapa besar pengaruh pengelolaan aktiva pada hutang perusahaan. Semakin tinggi Debt Ratio yang dihasilkan, maka semakin besar jumlah pembiayaan dengan hutang dan semakin sulit pula bagi perusahaan untuk mendapat tambahan pinjaman karena dikhawatirkan perusahaan tidak mampu membayar hutang – hutang dengan harta yang dimiliki. Standar rata – rata industri untuk DR adalah maksimal 0,35 kali. Perhitungan dapat diselesaikan dengan rumus :
    Total Assets Turn Over menunjukkan perputaran total aktiva yang diukur dari volume penjualan untuk mengetahui seberapa jauh kemampuan semua aktiva dalam menciptakan penjualan. Rata – rata industri untuk Total Assets Turn Over adalah 2 kali. Perhitungan dapat diselesaikan dengan rumus :
    Return On Equity digunakan untuk mengukur penghasilan (income) yang disediakan untuk para pemilik perusahaan atas modal yang telah diinvestasikan pada perusahaan. Semakin tinggi pendapatan yang diperoleh, maka semakin baik kepemilikan investor dalam perusahaan. Standar rata – rata industri untuk ROE adalah 40%. Perhitungan dapat diselesaikan dengan rumus :

ALTHOUGH geographically Japan is a country that is very scanty in natural resources, but the country has so many benefits and so called as ' Asian Tigers '. The superiority of Japan was actually much influenced by a culture that is inherent in all layers of the society, namely the military culture which is called bushido. Bushido can be translated as ' the way of life of a soldier or knight who was colored by the spirit of truth, Valor, generous, loving others, selfless, sincere honor and serve with loyal '. For the people of Japan, life is work. They are very disciplined and put a very high appreciation over time. As with Korea, Japan people already commonly work 14-18 hours a day, and 94-126 hours a week. For them, there is no time in addition to work and study. The desire to always be learning is reflected in the high culture of the read write community has existed since the era of Japan's Meiji Restoration, modernization of Japan under the Meiji Emperor in 1868. And kaizen and hansei is part of the nation's largest Japan success secrets. Kaizen is the incessant refinement, while continuous improvement is hansei. The second important key is the philosophy of living people of Japan that has been rooted and become pillars of the rise of Japan's economy.

The key elements of kaizen are:
1. quality. The highest quality products are products that can be fun and provide a sense of pride to its customers. Products like this are supposed to be made by the company. The old perception that considers the higher price, higher quality is no longer a nation of Japan's hand. And they thus developed the concept of higher quality, low price.
2. efficiency. Cost reduction continues to be supported by continuous improvement in the production process.
3. time. High quality products and low prices, but not to the customer on time will not make the company better.

In the culture of the Organization, kaizen looks at a company's production activities. The company will undertake to evaluate periodically. At the same time the company also undertook repairs to the weaknesses so as to become more perfect. The intended improvement kaizen is not a repair done right, drastic and extreme in a short time but small-scale improvements and simple, yet constantly made consistently in a long period of time. Embodiment of the work system based on the philosophy of kaizen is done by pushing all the Organization to contribute suggestions, ideas and opinions as much as possible and then to be considered and implemented so that it is capable of raising the standard of the work force. The application of the principle of kaizen is now widespread, not limited to just the manufacturing industry only.

Kaizen, with all the development concept can also be applied on the company or the institution of the public service. All the institutions dealing with others who need your products or services, as long as the principle of kaizen can be applied. The core of the concept of kaizen was doing repairs to customer satisfaction. Moreover, nowadays people are no longer just see the name of a product, but the quality of the service and the service offered producers also did not lose its importance. The community expects the company's employees to be friendly and polite. They also expect the staff who serve them respond swiftly and have sufficient knowledge about the services offered. They also expect the corporate office of subscriptions they are always clean and tidy. And many more other hopes that ultimately all that hope can be fulfilled when all employees are well terkoordinir. Offices in Japan have never stopped. No one is still stunned, reading the newspaper, or let alone play computer games at work time. All the employees of the Office are constantly moving, from the moment the bells begin to work to come home late. To develop this work's elusiveness, the typical office space Japan always centered. 

From leadership to technical staff sit in one room together, without any restrictions, so that everyone can see each other is being carrying out process works. Let alone those ordinary running around Japan in serving the community. Yes. They ran seriously in the sense of the truth and with the same serious expression services. Their faces would stare deep into customers with serious pattern of whole interspersed with a smile. They have pride in their work, and this pride feels there is obviously on everyone, whatever his rank as low as and as simple as whatever type of job.

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